BANT Registered Nutritional Therapist & IFM Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner

Focus on thyroid health November 2024

  • Read more about Thyroid Conditions here
  • Find out about the workshops I’m running here
  • Learn how thyroid disorders can impact digestion here and energy levels here.
  • If you would like a discovery call or 1:1 consultation book here
Tracey Harper
Tracey Harper
Tracey Harper

Why work with me

I’m Tracey Harper, a leading BANT Registered Nutritional Therapist and IFM Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner. I work holistically with a focus on food and nutrition supporting clients with autoimmune and chronic conditions empowering them with the tools they need to navigate their healing journey. I believe I can help you transform your health and your life.

The reason many of my clients see me is because they can’t remember the last time they felt really well. They may have
been coping with chronic and autoimmune conditions for a long time and cannot seem to get to the root of the problem or are recently diagnosed and looking for a more rounded approach to their healing. Navigating my own healing journey, which you can read more about here, has made me passionate about motivating others to make the changes necessary to transform their own health.

My core expertise is in nutrition and there is almost always something we can do to improve our diet. However, whilst diet and nutrition are foundational, they represent only one part of the health puzzle. I help you make sustainable diet and lifestyle changes at a pace that feels right for you addressing not only the physical body but also the mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of your Health.

The Functional Medicine approach represents a shift to a systems-based model of understanding the body as an interconnected network of biological systems that we treat as a whole. From the perspective of the patient, it’s about not treating all the individual symptoms and diseases separately but using an evidence-based approach to treat the whole person and deal with the root causes. Functional Medicine provides the information and tools to optimise your health through sustainable lifestyle-based interventions

I made contact with Tracey having already consulted my GP with reflux and chronic sleep problems. There were other undiagnosed digestive problems, anxiety and depression in the background, which I had coped with for some time. Lanzoprazole had taken the edge off the reflux but each time I tried to reduce the dosage, it returned. I had various scans, all of which came back clear. I was non-the-wiser as to what was wrong; I was very ill and very scared. With nothing else on offer from the GP, I researched IFM trained Functional Medicine practitioners. I wasn’t disappointed by my decision to contact Tracey. On first meeting she was immediately friendly, clear, empathic and un-phased by my litany of complaints and defensiveness-a thin disguise for my desperate need for some help. I felt she had heard many stories of a similar nature to mine and, would have knowledge, experience and hopefully a plan.It has taken illness and then imagination, a strong wish to live well, work and tenacity to keep at it on my part. On Tracey’s part, her sensitivity, intuition, knowledge and experience and her generosity in sharing so much that is tailored to my needs, has kept me and our work going through thick and thin. What I have is my health,knowledge from our work together, a reservoir of other resources to follow up at my leisure and an impetus to explore and enjoy the life that I have. Thank you Tracey. My heartfelt thanks and gratitude


How I Work

Small changes in your diet & lifestyle can lead to big changes in your health

Your diet and lifestyle affects the way you look, feel and perform each day and are foundational to your Healing. My approach is personalised and individualised because we are all unique. We will form a therapeutic partnership. We will be detectives peeling back the layers in order to get to the root cause of why you are feeling unwell, where the imbalances are and how we can correct them so that we can change the disease process.I will be at your side to guide you.I will support you to make the necessary dietary and lifestyle changes and build them into your daily routine helping to increase your energy levels in the day and sleep well at night.

You’ll look healthy and feel alert, increasing your confidence and the way you approach daily life, safe in the knowledge that you are doing the very best for your overall wellbeing. We all have a self-healing capability given the right tools. My intention is to empower you to regain your health by Introducing you to the tools and strategies necessary for your healing journey and cope better with the stresses and strains of daily life. We will work at your pace and your feedback is important. This is a lifestyle change and a long- term solution to your health, wellbeing and happiness.

Your journey

  • Your journey starts with a complimentary 30 minute discovery call via Zoom where we have the opportunity to get to know each other and see if we are a good fit.

  • This is followed by an initial 90 minute consultation and then follow up sessions of 1 hour,45 or 30 minutes depending on your requirements.

  • I include weekly email contact between sessions to keep you on track, motivated and accountable.

  • I am based in Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire offering in person consultations on a Monday and via Zoom Tuesday – Thursday.

  • You can read more about my consultations and prices here

Can you remember the last time you felt really well?

If the answer is no, you have arrived at the right place

Symptoms are the body’s way of communicating with us telling us something is out of balance and we must listen to that. They represent the tip of the iceberg. We need to figure out the root cause of these symptoms, not just mask them with drugs, alcohol, chocolate, etc

If you are suffering with chronic or autoimmune disease or if any of these symptoms feel familiar Nutritional Therapy / Functional Medicine could be just the answer you are looking for:



Symptom Benefit
 Difficulty in losing weight Reach your natural weight
 Constant fatigue and low energy  Feel energised
 Inability to shake off illness or infections Be more resilient
 Feelings of stress and anxiety Feel more peaceful and relaxed
 Digestive problems or IBS Improve digestion
 Hormone imbalances Stabilise your hormones
 Difficulty sleeping Sleep well
 Mood swings Enjoy emotional stability
 Skin problems Improve your skin
 Sugar cravings Reduce or eliminate sugar cravings



Hormones affect how we feel each day
A realistic eating plan tailored to your lifestyle will restore your hormonal balance and leave you feeling positive each day.



Digestive problems can be debilitating
A few simple dietary changes could reduce and alleviate any issues you may be experiencing to help you regain control.



One in five people suffer from tiredness
Treating the cause of your fatigue to increase your energy levels and manage the challenges of daily life.

Get in touch

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Telephone: 07747 780035
Skype id: tracey.harper5


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