Thyroid conditions

Are you suffering with your thyroid?

Thyroid symptoms are wide-ranging and it is rare to experience all of them.  It is also worth noting that they may be missed or confused with other conditions.

For some people, symptoms are subtle and hardly noticeable while for others, symptoms may have a significant impact on their daily lives.  Depending on the cause, symptoms can come on slowly over months and years or quickly over days.

It is important to get a diagnosis even if symptoms are mild by measuring thyroid hormone levels in blood.  It is usually wise to include antibodies to test for Hashimotos’ and Grave’s Disease as autoimmunity is the most common cause of thyroid disorders.  I am able to help you to arrange testing either through your GP or privately. Book a complimentary discovery call or book a 1:1 consultation here.

Symptoms of underactive (hypothyroid) – metabolism slows down

  • Tiredness / fatigue
  • Weight gain
  • Feeling cold – hands, feet, all over
  • Disrupted sleep
  • Difficult, infrequent bowel movements / constipation
  • Depression / lack of motivation
  • Morning headaches that wear off as the day progresses
  • Outer third of eyebrow thins
  • Thinning of hair on scalp, face or genitals or excessive hair loss
  • Dry skin or hair
  • Mental sluggishness / brain fog
  • Muscle and joint weakness and aches
  • Hoarse voice
  • Pins and needles in the hands
  • Slow speech, movement and thoughts
  • Poor concentration / memory

Symptoms of overactive (hyperthyroid) – metabolism speeds up

Would you like to understand thyroid function?

The thyroid gland is a small butterfly shaped organ found in your neck just in front of the voicebox. For such a small gland it has a huge influence on both our physical and psychological wellbeing.

It’s part of the endocrine (hormone) system and controls many of your body’s important functions by producing and secreting certain hormones. Thyroid function is so important that almost every cell in the body has a receptor for thyroid hormone.

Your thyroid’s main job is to control the speed at which your body works (metabolism). It plays a role in controlling heart rate, circulation, energy, body temperature, muscle and digestive function, brain development and bone maintenance. It even influences how we think and feel!

Thyroid disorders can affect both men, women and children although it is more common in women. Thyroid issues can be triggered by hormonal fluctuations such as pregnancy or when women transition through menopause. The most common reason for thyroid dysfunction is autoimmunity.

Thyroid function is like a relay race, with hormones passing the baton from the hypothalamus in the brain to the pituitary gland beneath it, then to the thyroid gland, to the liver, and finally to cells throughout the body. It’s a complex process.

Optimise thyroid function through diet and lifestyle

Many of my clients have thyroid conditions – diagnosed and undiagnosed – underactive, overactive, Hashimoto’s and Graves’ Disease.

My aim is to empower you by bringing awareness and knowledge around your own thyroid function. As well as taking a full client history a very important part of this process is to carry out a full thyroid blood screen to help identify which step in the process may not be functioning properly.

In addition I will provide you with the tools to be able to optimise your own thyroid health. I take a holistic, naturopathic approach with a focus on nutrition and lifestyle interventions.

Thyroid workshops

Please check out the two workshops I am hosting in November 2024:

Understanding thyroid Function and optimising thyroid health
Cooking workshop to support thyroid health

How I have helped

“I met Tracey 10 years ago. I had just had a baby, and I was very eager to lose the baby weight, which was proving to be really hard. Tracey spotted really quickly that I probably had a Thyroid problem. She advised me to get it checked out. Soon after I was told I had under active thyroid and Hashimotos’. If it was not for Tracey, I would probably still be in limbo as my GP said I was depressed and I had to really push for a thyroid test.

After all these years I have not stopped seeing Tracey. She has helped me unconditionally through all the process of becoming healthy. A year ago, she recommended that I follow a gluten free diet. Since being gluten free my energy levels have increased enormously and she also recommended that I reduce my sugar intake, which has helped me with my mood.

I totally recommend Tracey. She is very professional, caring, helpful and a wonderful person. Her own recipes are delicious; she gives you tips and is always able to help.”

Margarita, Berkhamsted